Celli Spa

This Privacy Policy is provided in compliance with the current legislation regarding the personal data protection and, in particular, with the article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 and describes how we collect, use and disclose information, and what choices you have with respect to the information. This Policy applies to Celli S.p.A. website ( – Website) and it does not apply to any third-party applications, services or websites, that may be visited by the user through hyperlinks accessed on the Website.


1. Data controller and purposes of data processing

The user personal data processing controller is CELLI S.P.A., P. IVA 00281460402, via Masetti n. 32, 47122, Forlì (FC)– Italy; e-mail: [email protected], P.E.C.: [email protected], tel.: +39.0543.794711; fax: +39.0543.794747.
According to the current legislation regarding the personal data protection, any collecting and processing operations may be done only for these purposes:

  1. purposes strictly related and instrumental to allow the user to access and use the Site and its features;
  2. to comply with any obligation provided for by law and European legislation;
  3. for internal operational and management purposes relating to the services offered through the Website;
  4. for statistical purposes, in a completely anonymised and aggregate form.

For each further processing will be required an explicit and express consent to the users.

2. Data Protection Officer and contact point

The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) that Data Subjects can contact to exercise their rights and for any question and request concerning personal data processing activities. The DPO is reachable by mail at Data Controller register office located in via Masetti n. 32, 47122, Forlì (FC)– Italy, and to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

3. Categories of data processed

Different types of personal data may be processed and treated differently, depending on the services rendered.

a) Navigation data

The information systems and software procedures used to the operation of this web site acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning. Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identifiable data subjects; however, it may allow user identification after being processed and matched with data held by third parties.
This data category includes:

  • IP addresses or names of computer domains used by visitors who access the website;
  • time of request;
  • method used to submit the request to the server;
  • size of the file obtained in response;
  • numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server;
  • details relating to the operating system and the information environment of users.

This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information about the website and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. This data may also be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of possible computer crimes against the website. Excepting this, data on web contacts is not stored for more than seven days.
As for cookies, please refer to Section II (“Cookie Policy”).

b) Messages supplied voluntarily by the user through the Website

The voluntary and explicit sending of communications by e-mail emails to the contact addresses on this website will entail the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s data, including his e-mail address, and the consent to receive replies to his request.
The personal data provided herein are used solely for the purpose of responding to the submitted requests and are disclosed to third parties only if this is necessary for that purpose.

c) Newsletter

We send our newsletter by e-mail to those who explicitly request it, by filling out the appropriate form on the Site and authorizing us to process their personal data for the aforementioned purpose. The data collected will be processed with IT tools and/or automated means; specific security measures are adopted to prevent loss, unlawful use or to prevent unauthorized access to the Site. You can always revoke your consent. When you stop the service, we retain only your subscription’s data for the times required by the law.

In order to stop receiving the newsletter, you simply have to select the link for removal at the end of each e-mail or send a specific request to our e-mail address.
Please contact the Data Controller if you have any technical problem with the service.

d) Data provided voluntarily by the user (to receive communications for marketing and/or commercial promotion purposes)

Commercial and marketing communications will be sent only if the user gives free and explicit consent checking the box.

The prior consent of the interested party is in fact necessary for the sending of such communications, unless the personal data (in particular the e-mail address), are provided by the data subject in the context of the purchase of a product. The data collected in this way by the Controller may also be used to send e-mail communications relating to products similar to those already purchased by the user, pursuant to art. 130, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree 196/2003, without the need for express and prior consent (so-called soft spam).

In any case, in every communication there is a specific remind of the possibility to revoke the consent at any time and without formality. The data are deleted at the request of the data subject.

e) Applications to job positions

Sending a specific communication to the e-mail address you can find on the Site, so you authorize the Data Controller to process your data for this particular purpose.

The provision of data is mandatory only for the purpose of submitting an application for a job position; therefore, the sending of his/her own curriculum vitae is left to the candidate’s will and any failure to provide such consent will prevent to use the service, without further consequences.

According to art. 111bis of D.lgs. n. 196/2003 and to art. 9, par. 2, b), of GDPR, your express consent is not required when the data processing regards your CV you voluntarily send us to examine whether the conditions for hiring and/or starting a working partnership are met. Before the interview, we will provide you all the information concerning the processing of your personal data.

The data will be stored for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, and you can always ask us to cancel your data, except in case of establishment of a working relationship.

4. Nature of data provision and processing legal bases

The provision of personal data is mandatory for the use of the Website services and any failure to provide such data will therefore prevent the performance of the services required.

However, it will be possible to visit the Site without providing any personal data, even if some features may not be available and some services not provided.

The legal basis of the processing is:

  1. for navigation data, the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller to the correct operation of the Website and the continuous improvement of its functions;
  2. for messages sent by the user, the performance of the services required by the data subject;
  3. for newsletter, User’s express consent;
  4. for marketing/targeting communications, User’s express consent
  5. for applications to job positions, to analyse your application and respond to your request;
  6. for cookies, the Controller legitimate interests for tecnical ones and user consent for targeting cookies (for further information, please refer to Section II).

5. Processing method

Data will be managed lawfully and used only for the aforementioned purposes (art. 1). It will be processed using suitable means to guarantee its security and confidentiality, using the most appropriate, also automated, means (hard copy or electronic) to store, manage and transmit the data. The Controller assess the appropriate level of security in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

This data will be retained for the period stipulated under the relevant law and, anyway, for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed and/or until the data subject revokes the consent for specific purposes.

6. Data transfers

Personal data are processed by the Controller and are only handled by internal and/or external technical staff specifically delegated for processing.

The subjects who will have access to personal data will be specifically authorized for processing by the Data Controller and, if due, appointed as Data Processors, pursuant to Articles 28 and 29 of the GDPR; a list of the subjects to whom the Data Controller discloses the personal data collected for the aforementioned purposes is available and can be consulted at the Data Controller’s office and can be requested at the addresses indicated above.

7. Your rights

The interested party is the natural person, identified or identifiable, to whom the personal data processed relates and, therefore, the user who accesses the Site and who, if necessary, requests the provision of services by the Data Controller.

Each data subject has the right of access at any time to personal data which have been collected concerning him or her (right of access) in order to be aware of, and verify, the lawfulness of the processing. The data subject is also entitled to exercise all the existing rights pursuant to the current national and European legislation on the personal data protection: in particular, he/her may request at any time the rectification and updating of incorrect or inaccurate data, the limitation of the processing and the erasure of the same (right to be forgotten), as well as lodging a complaint to the Data Protection Supervisory Authority.

With reference to personal data processed by automated means, the data subject may also receive data concerning him or her in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format, and to transmit them to another data controller (right to data portability).

Each data subject has also the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

The data subject is also always entitled to object to the processing of any data concerning him or her if it was carried out for direct marketing purposes by the Data Controller; in this case, his/her data will no longer be processed for these purposes (right of objection).


1. General information

What is a cookie?

Cookies are information stored by the browser when you visit a Website using a PC, smartphone or tablet. Each cookie contains several pieces of data (e.g. the name of the server from which it originates, a numeric identifier, etc.). Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (until the closing of the browser), or for long periods, and may contain a unique identifier.

What are they used for? 

Cookies are used for different purposes, depending on their type: some are strictly necessary for the correct function of the Web Site (technical cookies), whereas others optimise performance in order to provide the User with a better experience while they are visiting the Web Site. In addition, cookies allow Web Site usage statistics to be obtained, such as cookies analytics; others are for the purpose of displaying advertisements (in some cases advertisements are targeted based on cookie profiling).

Consent: Consent from the Users is stored by the Controller, for the purpose of fulfilling its responsibilities, through a technical cookie that has a duration period of 12 months. The User is informed both by the brief privacy notice (displayed in a banner upon the first visit to the Web Site until permission is granted or denied, as explained in paragraph 4 “How to disable cookies?”) and by this privacy policy. Furthermore, see paragraph 3 for links to the privacy policy of third parties, in addition to disabling third party cookies (if directly available through the same).

How can you disable them? 

You can disable cookies either through your browser settings (paragraph 4 “How to disable cookies?”), or through the mechanisms made available by a third party (paragraph 3 “Specific types of cookies used on the site”).

2. Types of cookies used on the Web Site

The Celli S.p.a. website uses cookies that do not require your consent for their installation (such as technical cookies), both cookies that require your prior consent in order to be used (such as profiling cookies).

a) Technical cookies (which do NOT require your consent):

These are cookies necessary for the functioning of the site and allow you to access its functions (so-called navigation cookies) or to authenticate yourself in the session.

Functional cookies are also used to store your preferences and settings in order to improve your browsing experience on the site.

In order to guarantee their functionality, these cookies are generally not deleted when you close your browser; however, they have a default duration (generally up to a maximum of 2 years) and after this period they are automatically deactivated. These cookies and the data they collect will in no way be used for further purposes.

The installation of technical cookies takes place automatically when you access the site or to activate certain functions (e.g. by selecting the “remember me” option). You can always decide to disable them at any time by changing the settings of your browser: in this case, however, you may encounter some problems when viewing the site.

b) Analytical cookies (which do NOT require your consent)

These cookies keep track of the choices made on the site and the data related to navigation, in order to perform statistical analysis, in anonymous and aggregate form.

c) Profiling cookies (which require your CONSENT):

This site also uses profiling and third party cookies, but for the installation of this type of cookies is necessary your prior consent.

Profiling cookies may include several categories, including advertising profiling, retargeting or social cookies.

  • Advertising profiling cookies: which create a user profile that allows you to view advertising content in line with your preferences while browsing the site;
  • Retargeting cookies: which are created in order to send you advertising content related to products in which you have expressed interest;
  • Social cookies: this site provides for the installation of cookies related to social network plug-ins. These cookies are managed directly by third parties and allow the display of advertising messages in line with your preferences.

When you access the site, through a special banner, you will be informed of the presence of profiling and retargeting cookies and, through it, you can consent or not to their installation. Of course, you can revoke your previous consent at any time, without any prejudice to the possibility of visiting the site and enjoying its contents.

“Google Maps” localizes the Controller geographical location.

“Google Maps” Privacy Policy:

4. How to disable cookies?

Control via browser: The browsers commonly used (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) accept cookies by default, but this setting can be changed by the User at any time. This applies to both PCs and mobile devices like tablets and smartphones, and it is a function generally and widely supported.

Therefore, cookies can easily be disabled or turned off by accessing the browser’s options or preferences, and in general third-party cookies can also be blocked. As a general rule, these options will only have an impact on that browser and on that device, unless there are active options to synchronize the preferences on different devices. Specific instructions can be found on the Options page or Help page of the browser itself. Disabling technical cookies, however, may affect the full and/ or proper functioning of different sites, including this one.

Normally, browsers used today:

  • offer the “Do not track” option, which is supported by some websites (but not all). Thus, these websites are no longer able to collect certain navigation data;
  • offer the option of anonymous surfing or incognito mode: in this way, data will not be collected in the browser and browsing history will not be saved, but the navigation data may still be acquired by the operator of the Web Site that was visited;
  • allow the deletion of cookies stored in whole or in part, but after visiting a Web Site again they are usually installed, where such possibility is not blocked.

Below are links to the support pages for the most popular browser (with instructions on how to disable cookies on these browsers):

Third-party cookies: these may be disabled either using the methods described above, or by referring to each third party (following the links listed in the previous paragraph).

On-line tools: You may note that from you can not only learn more about cookies, but also check the installation of numerous cookies on your browser and/or device and, if supported, also disable them.


Tecnici (necessari)



Marketing (Youtube)



Marketing (Google Maps)
